Saturday, June 6, 2009

Terminator: Salvation (2009)

Wow, forget what you know about the franchise, because like Kyle Reese said in the first film "The future is not set, fate is what we make for ourselves"and in this film its never truer. McG, just like Jonathan Mostow had a similar task, not only did he have to take over for a film that many thought of as a huge step down, but he had to start a new trilogy, while keeping true to the Cameron films. He succeeded in a lot of ways, but just like any sequel was off a little. First off, the actions of T2 help wipe the future with a clean slate, meaning that the openings and dream sequences in the previous films are now way off. Secondly, we are no longer dealing with time travel and paradox's, it is the present and there is no changing what already is.
The score this time around is done by Mr Batman(1989) himself Danny Elfman, of course in my opinion no one could ever score a Terminator film like Brad Fiedel did, but if you had to choose anyone, I'm glad it was Elfman. McG, like I said above did an awesome job at directing the film. In 2009 its kind of hard to make an action film with robots without CGI or loads of special effects, but he help keep it looking real enough and keep it looking old school. The make up effects seen on Sam Worthington is a great flashback to earlier films and in my opinion are superior to Arnold's make up in T3. The PG-13 ratings doesn't seem to hurt the film, all it seems that it kept was the nudity(which for me is an improvement, I'm tired of seeing male asses, lol). The scene with the CGI Arnold wasn't as spectacular as I thought it would be, but was impressive. Now to the performances:

Christian Bale; you would think that a post-Judgement Day trilogy would focus on John Connor, I mean he was the focal point in the machines attempts to secure victory in the future. Like I said, forget what you know. Bale does a terrific job as John Connor and really seems to come into the role. My only complaint is that he does tend to go into Batman mode sometimes(not in the voice way though). He still did a fine job, one I would love to see again and will. There are several emotional scenes and each one I always wonder which one is it he exploded on. Maybe the DVD will have the answer.

Bryce Dallas Howard; takes over as Kate Brewster from Claire Daines and for me she is an improvement in looks only. Throughout the film she really doesn't do much. She's pregnant in the film, so obviously you can't have in harms way. He role gets a bit bigger toward the end and she does begin to shine a bit. Hopefully T5 will have her not pregnant and really stepping up as Connor's 2nd in command.

Sam Worthington as Marcus Wright was the main focus of the story and man did he take the role and wrnt with it. Worthington really shined with this role and went through some crazy action sequences. I am looking forward to his Clash of the Titans role of Perseus. His character eventual reveal is something I will not expose, the the emotion set forth in the scene makes you really feel for the character. Hopefully we see him again in future films, his character is too good to not return.

Moon Bloodgood as Blair Williams, a resistance fighter who meets Marcus and helps him in his mission to find John and save Kyle. She's good, but her role really just felt like she was part of the story to keep it moving. I still hope to see her again as I can her character really becoming a bigger part in the humans winning against the machines.

Michael Ironside as General Ashdown, wow even with a small role like this, he manages to steal the show. Terrific actor. I feel so bad that he hasn't gotten a starring role as the main star.

Anton Yelchin as Kyle Reese; it disappoints me that Jonathan Jackson didn't portray Kyle Reese in this film, he did an awesome job in the Sarah Connor Chronicles and looks more like a young Michael Biehn than this guy does. That's not to say he didn't impress me with his portrayal, its just a disappointment in the casting. Anton does come into the film and does a superb job and really seems to be the Kyle that Michael's Kyle describe. I'm guessing the end of this trilogy will showcase Connor sending Kyle into the past and the reprogrammed T-800 as well.

Teriffic acting, great script and fine direction makes me open my arms and accepts this into the franchise. In memory of Stan Winston and he would be proud. 4 out of 5 stars for this baby.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Total Recall(1990)

Another action hit starring Arnold Schwarzenneger hit the theaters a year before T2 ever hit the silver screen and it was the action packed, well written Paul Verhoevan directed film Total Recall. This film just seems to do everything right. It isn't too long, it features some awesome action scenes, great dialogue, a dreary, but effective future to look upon and more. The film takes place years into the future, Earth is now no longer alone in the Universe and human make frequent trips to other planets, for real and artificially. Arnold Schwarzenneger plays Douglas Quaid a construction worker who begins to get bored of his everyday life and decides to get a memory implant where he goes to the planet Mars undercover, trying to save the planet from destruction from the mad dictator Cohaagen(played evily by Ronny Cox). The other thing that makes the film awesome is the fact that you can't trust anyone, the first example comes in the guise as the ever beautiful(until Catwoman and Basic Instinct II)Sharon Stone, who plays Quaid's wife Lori. Stone does a terrific job, she brings raw energy, sex appeal and stamina that fits perfectly with both Schwarzenneger and Rachel Ticoten. Other actors in the film that should be noted are Michael Ironside as the evil, but clever Richter, a boss goon of sorts to Cohaagen. Ironside is an excellent actor, always able to make a bad guy a really bad guy or a good guy an anti-hero(watch Smallville or Starship Troopers). Just a great job. Rachel Ticotin is also in the cast as Quaid's love interest on Mars named Melena. All I have to say is wow, what a performance, she's beautiful, agressive, a perfect match for Schwarzenneger to end up with. Marshall Bell, Roy Brocksmith and Mel Johnson Jr round out the cast and helps to create a one of a kind action film.
The thing I have always loved about the film is the fact that you never know if what we are watching is real or not. In the scene where Quaid goes to Recall and ask for the implant he request to be ubdercover, Melena is the love interest he will have and he would get the girl in the end, this is all that happens, than we get a blinding white light at the end, which may or may not solidify a labanamy. It keeps the film a mystery and fun to theorize about.
The DVD features an awesome commentary track by Schwarzenneger and Verhoeven. As well as a lengthy documentary that gives you an idea of what was done to make the film. An equally good DVD to a great film.

4 out of 5 stars....stays upon frequent viewings too.

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (2008-09)

After T3 became a box office hit(not a critical hit, there's a difference)FOX and Halycon decided to develop a TV series focusing on Sarah's personal turmoil with being the one to shape John into the savior of mankind. It was also meant to focus on John evolving into the hero he is destined to be, while making adult choices at such a young age.
Taking place 2 years after T2 and completely ignoring T3 and obviously T4 we see Sarah and John now settled in with a good man and being somewhat content. Sarah however, still has nightmares of the apocalypse that was foretold to her by Kyle Reese in the first film and a recurring dream of John getting killed by a Terminator. After her dream becomes a reality of sorts, she decides its time to move on again and goes after John at school. There he meets a young woman named Cameron who takes a liking to him, but it is quickly revealed when John is being attacked by a Terminator that she is also a terminator sent to protect him. They eventually decide to fight back by traveling to 2001 and stopping the creation of what will eventually be Skynet(it is called The Turk in its prototype stage). Various stories occur as they begin to realize that Skynet isn't the only thing trying to make sure the future happens the way it was meant to happen and various great episodes appear throughout the two seasons. Sadley FOX cancelled the series on a cliffhanger in which John finally gets to meet Kyle Reese in the form that he traveled back in time to save Sarah in. Here is the rundown on the performances given throughout the show.

Lena Headey takes over for Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor, John's mother, who in this series has become highly paranoid and definitely not confident that what they did in T2 stopped Judgment Day. We find out that by skipping ahead to 2001 Sarah managed to skip her own death of Cancer. Headey portrays Sarah in the same vein as Hamilton in part 2. The difference here is that, at the end of part 2 Sarah seems to understand and except that the Terminator can be good and can help if programmed, but yet in the series she never stops being untrustful of Cameron, no matter how many times she saves her or John's life. I felt her portrayal was done well, but still lacked what Hamilton bought to the table. I much rather would have had Hamilton do the series, she isn't doing anything right now and she has been on a TV show before. Still not a bad performance.

Thomas Dekker portrays John Connor, the future leader of the human resistance. Here Dekker seems to portray Connor in a darker vein of Edward Furlong and even Nick Stahl, therefore showing that the character has already evolved since the closing moments of T2. I did enjoy the performance seen in Dekker, he seemed to capture John's inner turmoil of the big responsibilty he will have in the future. There were moments where it felt like his evolution in T2 was forgotten and he was again depending on Sarah's input on the decision making, but it would only last for a short while and he was back on track. A steller performance definitley.

Summer Glau manages to steal the show as the Terminator called Cameron(she also plays Allison, the Resistance fight her model was based off of). She comes into the pilot as this sweet everyday teen and when she reveals herself she's the emotionless protector of John. Throughtout the series she became an oftly controversal character. Never fully good, nor never fully evil. She has a mission, one that we only know partially about(and sadley never fully realize) and if it means deceiving John, Sarah and whoever else she will get the job done. I enjoy that little mystery, never knowing if she will turn or not. The seasn two premiere was awesome to watch as John is ready to remove her chip and her personality changes to a scared little girl telling John she loves him(could this have been revealed at some point that this IS Allison, just now part mchine, like Marcys Wright in the new Terminator film?). I don't know. The episode featuring the flashback of how Cameron killed Allison was also interesting to watch. I never watched Joss Whedon's Firefly(or Serenity), but this series makes me want too.

Richard T Jones plays FBI agent Ellison, who is tracking Sarah down after her ordeal in the opening of the pilot, he ends up meeting Catherine Weaver and slowly begins to realize that Sarah may be right about what will happen. Jones does a fairly decent job at portraying this character. He's fortunate enough to play a character that has no comparison from the films.

Brian Austin Green as Derek Reese, the older brother of Kyle Reese and Uncle to John, although he doesn't know it until the 2nd Season. The introduction to this character was quite good, he just seemed to be a stalker of the guy who creates The Turk. On a mission himself(private and open)he's there to not only stop Judgment Day, but protect John and hopefully find out what happened to Kyle. I used to watch Green on Beverly Hills 90210(and still do)and I really enjoy seeing his acting skills expanded this way.

Leven Rambin as Riley Dawson, John Love interest. You knew immediately that there was something off about this character. I know I did, my guard throughout the first few she was featured in was up, but as she became more and more caring toward John, the more I began to like the character. Than the reveal of who she was and what her mission was, was a huge blow. I still liked the character because I kmew she actually started to care for John for real. The performance in the series and her evolution to her character was done nice and slow and to see everything come down on her in a few episodes and see her crying the way she did was heartfelt. Definitely a sign of a great actress.

Shirly Manson as Catherine Weaver/T-1001, probably not one of my favorite characters on the series, mainly because every time Manson talked it felt like she was acting, not a real performance at all. Shirly Manson is the lead singer for the Grunge Rock Band Garbage and sucked there(I only liked the single " When I Grow Up" from Big Daddy)and she doesn't fair well here either. Just a waste for what could have been a great character. I do however like the twist ending the Series finale, which I'm sure would have gone deeper if there was a Season 3.

Garrett Dilluhut as John Henry/Cromarties, another new Terminator model, a T-888, I quite enjoyed the performance in the series and the evolution of the character from a killing machine to a guiney pig by the Series Finale. Very well written there.

There are several other characters that make appearances, but just cameo appearances. The series was written very well and had potential to keep the franchise alive, even after this new trilogy is done, but FOX decided to go another way(I love Dollhouse, but this was a way better show). According to several sources Arnold Schwarzenneger, Lance Henricksen and other film stars from the franchise wanted to make cameo appearances on the series, but now we will never know if they would have. It is sad.

I don't have the Seasons on DVD, so I won't get in too deep with my favorite episodes. But you had a few really boring episodes, but some especially great episodes as well. Hopefully soon maybe they'll restart the series back, maybe give it another chance(look at Family Guy), but I doubt it.

The series for me gets a 4 out of 5 stars.

Terminator III: The Rise of the Machines(2003)

Ok, so 12 years has gone by since the fantastic T2: Judgment Day graced the silver screen. That must mean this is a masterpiece in film making, right? Noooooo!!
That's not to say the film is terrible. It's actually a pretty decent follow up that does manage to keep the core aspects of what an action film should be....action and respects the source material. The problem with this film is the performances are not on pore with the performances of part 2 and the direction is lacking, compared to the first & second film, mainly due to a new director. Before filming began and Schwarzenneger was on board Cameron gave Arnold the okay to continue the franchise on his own and that helped get the ball rolling on this action affair.
First off, we are in a new age, where CGI special effects are over used and almost nothing is done for real. While it is impossible to not film an action film in CGI, this film manages to keep it to a respectable level. Still relying mostly on old school 80's effects and only updating for huge action scenes.
Johnathan Mostow takes over the reigns from James Cameron and like I said above does a pretty good job at respecting the source material. You have to give him a little respect for taking on such a huge project and while he didn't do as well as he could have, he took the job and did his best for what he had.
Arnold Schwarzennger returns and once again does a fantastic job as the T-101, this time however, we are left wondering what his true motive is, since he acts very different from his part 2 counterpart. In this case he is sent to protect John Connor and Kate Brewster, but doesn't exactly have to make sure he is unharmed, just alive. There are some moments, I felt a bit surprised he would allow happen, mainly scenes like when he walks out of the male stripping club and put those ridiculous glasses on, just to go ahead and take them off....why? I mean he had to already know the glasses would look ridiculous. Anyway, its still a great performance.
Nick Stahl, takes over the role of John Connor from Edward Furlong and does a pretty good job at it. In this film he portrays the character as a drifter, who figures if he stays off the grid any more terminators that may or may not come through time can't find him. I enjoyed his portrayal to a certain level, mainly because he looks beaten up and his character really just doesn't care and doesn't want the responsibilty of the role of savior. We don't really get much time to get to know him before all hell breaks loose and that does kind of hurt the film a bit. He's not the same kid that was in part 2, he is broken down, drunken and he basically stays alive just to exists. His character could have been written better in this film.
Claire Daines portrays Kate Brewster, the future 2nd in command of the human resistance and John's future wife. This is where the film kind of suffered the most. It wasn't Daines portrayal that hurt the film, it was the forced romance set upon all the chaos. In the film Kate is engaged and than is kidnapped by the T-101 and John and suddenly she and John are told they will marry and they just accept that. Its crazy and just felt forced. I mean her acting was good, but there was no chemistry between Daines and Stahl that could hint that they can be attracted to each other. I mean not even if its just to continue the human race.
Kristinna Loken comes in as the Terminatrix(aka T-X), a combination of a T-101 and T-1000, who can control other machines. I'm not too sure how I feel about this portrayal. It seems to me like she portrayed it the way she was told, but she did it while imitating Robert Patrick's T-1000 snd Arnold's T-101 from the first film. It also felt like she was there for sheer sex appeal. She is a gorgeous actress and the ONLY reason to watch Uwe Boll's Bloodrayne, but that is not enough to go on when continuing a franchise like this and that also made the film suffer a bit. I did however, enjoy the whole controlling other machines aspect, especially when she is able to control the T-101. Not a horrible performance, but not a great one either.
David Andrews comes in as Lieutenant General Robert Brewster, who seems to be involved in continuing the work Myles Dyson started with Skynet(how he managed to get the records after Cyberdyne was destroyed and all his work at his house was destroyed I don't know, it is never explained). His scenes are brief, but important as he doesn't fully believe that we should leave everything to a computer, especially since it is computers that are beginning to screw things up. Great performances.
Earl Boen has a hilarious cameo as Dr. Silberman still shaken from what happened years ago in T2. Its a great scene that could have been deleted, but I'm glad it stayed. Linda Hamilton is sorely missed in this film and I do believe it suffered a bit because of that too.
I know this review isn't as lengthy as the first two, but that mainly because there isn't much to say more than what I did say already. Its a good film to see and add to your collection, but if you're looking for a film to equal T2, you'll never find that. Even if Cameron came back, I can't see a film topping that film.
4 out of 5 stars.
The two disc DVD is the only available DVD and features a few interesting features, but the commentary and deleted scene are the best.

Terminator II: Judgment Day (1991)

Wow, that is the gist of this film. There have been maybe a handful of sequels that turn out to be as good if not better than their original films(Aliens, Bride of Frankenstein, Psycho II, etc)this is definitely one of them.
Don't get me wrong, there are moments that were a bit better in the first film, mainly due to the difference in the atmosphere of the two films. Arnold's portrayal of the T-101, is still done with perfection, but now he is a reprogrammed machine who acts a bit differently, but I'll continue that analysis a little bit later.
James Cameron is back in the writer and director chair and it shows. The story is still told extremely well, confined into its own film, while still making room to make you want to see the original, if you haven't. I was fortunate enough to see this in the theaters and man was it an experience. The special effects were awesome and with it being new stuff it made it even more awe-inspiring. Everything is taken up a notch from the first film, but that is also thanks to a bigger budget and a more experienced director. This film in my opinion is one of my top 10 favorite action films of all time.
First off, I must comment on the continuing score by Brad Fiedel, he continues to amaze, as he uses the same music, plus some new.
I forgot to mention in my review of the first film, the awesome soundtrack that accompanied the film, with music by Tahnee Cain and the Tryanglz(Burnin' in the Third Degree, Photoplay and You Can't Do It)and more. This film has an equally amazing soundtrack, topped off with Guns N Roses rockin' hit "You Could Be Mine, " which does have a music video with Schwarzenneger as the T-101 looking to terminate Axel Rose. Sadley the video is on none of the DVD/LaserDisc/Blu-Ray releases, due to a copyright issue with Geffen and Artisan.
The performances are notched up a bit as well and it shows. Arnold Schwarzenneger, like I said above does an awesome job. This time around his character manages to get an upgrade in a ways, when he is reprogrammed to learn and is able to evolve his character. This helps seperates Arnold's potrayal from the first film to his portrayal in this film. Several scenes were cut and eventually added back in to show this evolution with explanation and in a ways I'm glad, it makes the film longer, but the film is so good, I don't mind at all. We get to see one of Arnold's most famous catchphrases aside from "I'll Be Back" spoken in the first film and this one; "Hasta La Vista, Baby"and its still a kicker to hear.
Linda Hamilton returns in a much evolved portrayal of her meak and mild character from the first film. Having gone through so much since the end of the first film. We find her in a mental institution being doctored by the fame searching Dr. Silberman(played wonderfully by Earl Boen in a return role from the film). She helps you feel Sarah's confusion and frustration in knowing what no one will believe you know will happen. Not even her son John, who is destined to save humanity believes her. Her character in this film also seems to go through an evolution as she is very closed minded to Arnold's T-101 and slowly begins to realize that just like humans, you can't judge a whole race based on the actions of one. A very important message that is often not seen, unless through multiple viewings.
In the extended version several scene were added back in to kind of clarify on scenes that only briefly were seen in the theatrical cut. One scene involved Sarah and John reprogramming the T-101 and in this scene we have a mirror effects involving Linda's twin sister Leslie playing her reflection. Also in the extended cut is a scene that harks back to the original film and certainly deserved to stay in the theatrical cut, but didn't and this had Michael Biehn returning as Kyle Reese in a dream of Sarah's after she gets drugged, it's a very brief scene that last maybe 5 minutes, but it holds a long time in your memory and leaves an impression. It was nice to see that love Sarah has for Kyle even after 13 years of him being dead.
Edward Furlong comes into the film as a newcomer to the film business, but watching this film you would think he was a pro, he plays the role of a smart ass 90's teenager very well. When you first meet him he has no respect for nothing and nobody, not even his mother and foster parents. But as the film goes on we see him slowly evolve into what may one day be our salvation(hint, hint). The scene I mentioned before that was where they are reprogramming the T-101 is a perfect example of his evolution. We see him stand up to his mother, who at this point has been making all the decisions and tells her that they need him and not too destroy him. Great scene, which really was a mistake to cut. Edward hasn't done much in his career, maybe because he doesn't really have a range of acting talent outside this film. I mean Pet Semetary II he gave a bland performance and Crow: Wicked Prayer just completely bored the shit out of me. The only other thing he's done I did enjoy was in Aerosmith's music video for "Livin' On the Edge"(which also had a cameo by Johnny Depp). Anyway back to this review
Robert Patrick comes in as the new and improved T-1000, a terminator that is made from Liquid metal and can take the form of anybody it touches(which he mainly kills). If anyone can portrayal a terminator with no emotion as good or even better than Schwarazenneger's portrayal in the first film, it's him. I was and still am flabbergasted at his portrayal of this character. A role he would repeat at least 3 times(in T2 in 3-D:Battle Across Time, Wayne's World and Last Action Hero). He plays the role and makes it look easy, he's weak looking and even kind of gentle looking at times, but that is what really gives him the advantage. In Terminator 5 or 6(they are making them)I would really like to see him come back as a current T-1000 in the post-apocalyptic future or maybe just as the human that is modeled from him. I know Schwarzenneger expressed interest in returning when his run is over, so a fight between the two would be awesome.
Joe Morton comes in the film as Myles Dyson, a computer programmer/engineer who will become responsible for creating Skynet. Apparently the extended ending of the first film that showed workers from Cyberdyne finding the T-101 in the compressor was covered up and now they are researching the technology to help make it work and he is the main guy in charge. He is portrayed as a very smart and gentle family who is unaware of the appending danger he will cause. By the end he rectifies it in the ultimate way and you feel extremely sad for the loss, he's an awesome character I would have liked to see more of him.
All in all this film better in a lot of ways to the first film. This is basically due to bigger budget and more action sequences. The story is well written, but like any other time travel film, there is a few plot holes, but nothing you can't just brush off.
I give this film 5 out of 5 stars.
There are also several DVD releases. I myself have two of them. The ones I own are the Ultimate Edition, which is two disc and features 3 versions of the film and a 2nd disc that is like a film school on a disc. The Extreme Edition I have features two versions of the film, with brand new commentary(as opposed to the spliced commentary in the UE release, making this worth double dipping for)and a HD transfer for your DVD player. It doesn't feature many special features on the 2nd disc, but a few are new.
I've never seen T2-3D: Battle Across Time, but I do know its a continuation taking place in the future with Edward Furlong, Robert Patrick and I believe Linda Hamilton and Arnold Schwarzenneger returing. Why this hasn't been released on DVD, I don' why, but a making of has been released on the UE release.

The Terminator (1984)

Well here we are in 2009 being given a new Terminator film(at least it's no remake), so to celebrate I'd like to give everyone a look back at the series itself.

First, I'd like to start off with the film that started the entire franchise off, THE TERMINATOR. The film as we all should know is written beautifully and directed by James Cameron, who besides directing two awesome sequels that surpass their originals(T2 and Aliens)has also directed films like Titanic, The Abyss and the lesser favored Piranha II: The Spawning. Cameron is seen here directing a great piece of film making, getting the action sequences right, the dark, gritty atmosphere which shows you how close to self destruction the world has become and an unimaginable future that makes us question whether or not technology should keep on advancing. I mean every shot from the opening shot of the Hunter Killers(HK's as Kyle calls them)circling a wasted future(which you know is just miniatures to the sunny and bright introduction of Sarah Connor to eventually the climatic ending tells us a story and keeps us interesting.
I also love how the film manages to keep a realistic type feeling, while still having quite a few stop motion sequences(mainly at the end). The score is done with perfection by Brad Fiedel who seems to really capture the feeling of every new piece of music with their respective scenes. The main title theme is one of those themes that you'll find yourself adding to your Ipod or MP3 player. Even the love making theme(which is actually a slower remix of the main theme) given to Linda Hamilton and Michael Biehn helps make the brief nudity scene tasteful and not at all gratutious.
Now on to the actors, the film is given several great performances that keep amazing me everytime I watch the film. Arnold Schwarzenneger here does a fantastic job as the Model 101/Terminator. In a lot of ways I prefer this version of the Terminator over his T2 ans T3 counterparts. Its just fun to see Arnold as a bad guy and he does it very well. Many may think its extremely easy to just walk around and act like you don't care or have no emotion, but it is hard. Even during several action sequences his face never seems to change from a very focused face. For instance, the scene in the club Tech Noir, we have him in a gun fight with Kyle Reese(played by Michael Biehn)and while he is doing this he manages to shift his focus back to Sarah and stop her from leaving, even while he is being shot at by a shotgun. I especially enjoyed his opening fight with the three thugs, to them he is just a crazy guy walking around naked, not taking him too seriously, but without his face even changing he dispatches two of the thugs who would go on to play in several popular films and TV series(Bill Paxton and Brian Johnson have the cameos as two of the thugs). Very menacing and intimidating. Although he isn't in the final battle, you still feel his presence and THAT is what makes for a good performance.
Michael Biehn comes in as the soldier Kyle Reese, who comes to save and protect Sarah Connor, but must rely on nothing more than his survival skills, since he is both in a time he doesn't know and human and can be killed. He's the total opposite of Schwarzenneger in evety way, from his physical look to the fact he has emotion. Biehn portrays this character in a very real way. He manages to capture the real emotion of what it would be like if you grew up in a wasteland of a planet and than you have the opportunity to go back to before it was all destroyed and experience what life was meant to be experienced like. There's a scene that was cut that amplifies this emotion, where Kyle takes out his gun toward Sarah out of anger from her hitting him and we see how he had to live, how tough it is for him to know how beautiful everthing is and how in the present(our present)people are happy with no care in the world and to know what happens in the futue to everything. Its a very emotional scene that should have stayed, but it does connect to another scene that was not needed, so I'll let that past, lol. Michael Biehn just does an a mazing job in this film and certainly continues do to so in Aliens ans T2(cut scenes).
Linda Hamilton comes into the film as a weak and mild youg waitress whose only worry is why she can't find a man in her life. Suddenly she gets 1 man who wants to protect her from an artificial man who wants to kill her, what bad luck is that?. Linda Hamilton also does an amazing job and while I say this same thing for all the actors, it is true. Cameron wrote this character right, she evolves extremely well in the time span we see her in and never seems to evolve too quickly or too fast. This film really showed that Hamilton could act(she had really been known only in the Stephen King Adaptation of Children of the Corn, released not too long before this and that flopped). She would go on to play in its sequel T2 and voice over in Terminator: Salvation and star in the first 2 Seasons of Beauty and the Beast with Ron Perlman, but that's a different review. There's really nothing more to say about her acting, she just captures the character in a way that many actresses, even gifted ones may have missed on. One of my favorite scenes is a very subtle scene where she learns more about what is to be expected in the future by her son, while bandaging Kyle up. You can see it in her eyes that she does not want to believe this because it just sounds too impossible, but somehow she does. Awesome work there.
The rest of the cast did a fine job as well; Paul Winfield comes in as the very calming Lt Traxler, who seems to want to have an open mind about what is going on and doesn't understand until the Terminator comes to the station after Sarah. Winfield's performance is breif, but everlasting. It is never actually known if he dies(although a deleted scene does show him after he gets shot helping Kyle get Sarah away), I'm guessing you could interprete it either way, but it would have been nice to his character in T2. Lance Henricksen, another actor you can consider A-List now was originally Cameron's first choice as The Terminator before deciding on Schwarzenneger kept him on as Detective Vucovich, the skeptic. He's the one who actually shows Winfield's character that the women the Terminator is killing are named Sarah Connor, so his character is definitely significant. Henticksen's characters are always teamed up with Winfield's and therefore is also brief, but the two made their mark on the film and feel the loss when they leave. We do get some other minor performance by Dick Miller as the unfortunate gun shop owner, Rick Rossovich as Matt, the doomed roommates boyfriend Matt and Bess Motta as Sarah best friend and roommate Ginger. All give great performances, but they are the blink your ee and mis characters, so unless your a fan of them from another film(like Dick Miller in the Gremlin films or The Flash TV Series), you don't notice them.
Well there you have it, the film to me really shows you how an action and Sci-Fi film should be done, even with its dated effects, it still manages to impress. Definitely go see it, if you haven't and if you haven't that you must be under 10, because no one in their right mind should ever be deprived of this classic. 5 out of 5 stars. EXCELLENT FILM.